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Conduct insurance claims inspections with Stringee Video Call and manage customer care using only a CRM integrated with Stringee PCC APIs.


About VietinBank Insurance

VietinBank Insurance (VBI) is a dynamic non-life insurance company with the fastest growth rate in the market in the past 5 years in Vietnam.

VBI, formerly known as Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade Insurance Company Limited, belongs to VietinBank - one of the TOP 3 largest banks in Vietnam. Established in 2008 with the mission of preserving the value of life, VBI always strives to improve products and services to bring valuable and different experiences to customers.

This is the first insurance company in Vietnam to apply Insurtech to deploy procedures such as electronic certificates, electronic invoices, hospital fee guarantees, and online compensation appraisals,...

1.1. Procedures for receiving claims and assessing losses 

According to the old process, when an incident occurs, customers need to contact the contact center so that VBI can send staff to the scene to assess the loss directly. This process exposes some disadvantages such as:

  • It takes time and effort for staff to go to the scene for inspection
  • The risk of customers (insurance buyers) committing fraud during the time staff come to assess the loss: intentionally burning the car or using photoshopped images of the scene.

 1.2. Negative stereotypes about the insurance industry

 The process of compensation and providing documents takes time

The old insurance compensation process requires many procedures to submit claims for compensation processing. In addition, customers also waste time waiting for the insurance company's staff to survey the scene. 

In many cases, insurance buyers have given up receiving compensation because the process of providing information takes too much time and effort. Customers will not return to use the service when they find they do not receive benefits commensurate with the amount of money they spend on insurance. 

Insurance staff quit their jobs, customers' contracts were not taken care of

Many insurance buyers "lose benefits" when their insurance salesperson quits their job. Their insurance policies are not taken care of, routine care activities are not fully implemented by new employees.

Customers who fall into this situation will share with others stories of inadequacies when buying, using, and insurance compensation. This leads people to have negative stereotypes about the insurance industry.


1.3. Technology development trends


Around the world, many companies have applied Insurtech to improve customer experience and the insurance industry is very developed. Insurtech is a term combining "Insurance" (insurance) and "Technology" (technology), considered a branch of Fintech. 

With the application of technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), insurance companies have created a revolution that has changed the way businesses operate. traditional insurance industry.

Grasping this trend, VietinBank Insurance seeks technology solutions to renew its services, bringing superior products.

 VietinBank Insurance integrates Stringee Video Call API on the MyVBI application for customers and staff in charge to help assess losses online remotely. At the same time, businesses also use StringeeX as an omnichannel customer service software.


2.1. Integrate Video Calls on MyVBI to support remote damage assessment


When VietinBank Insurance integrates the remote online loss assessment feature via video call, insurance customers are supported in declaring compensation/monitoring compensation online 24/7.

Whenever an unfortunate incident occurs, customers only need to declare personal information via the MyVBI application and take photos/videos of the scene as evidence of damage assessment.

With MyVBI, VietinBank Insurance's total compensation processing time is shortened to only 3-5 days (instead of 30 days as before). Processing time through MyVBI is only ⅓ of the average compensation processing time in the insurance market. This creates a competitive advantage for VietinBank Insurance compared to other competitors in the market.

2.2. Customer service with StringeeX omnichannel contact center

Using StringeeX, VietinBank Insurance built an automatic response system (IVR) when customers call, guiding customers to press the key to select the branch according to their needs, coordinating the right consultants to meet the right customers, and identifying customers and related information when customers call.

When the call starts, the consultant's screen will automatically display a recording slip to note information, create appointments, and update customer status.

With the click of a button, telesales can access historical records containing previous customer requests, contact information, insurance products customers are using, premium payment deadlines, etc. Thanks to that, agents can easily synthesize information and quickly provide appropriate advice.

Stringee helps VietinBank Insurance employees increase work efficiency and provide a more complete customer experience.

In addition to the traditional contact center features of listening and receiving customer calls via the contact center's hotline number, the new StringeeX contact center system also has Video calls, Voice mail, Zalo OA features to help VBI easily access, care for customers effectively and maximize user experience.

  • Voice mail support feature: Leave a voice message when the operator cannot be reached. After the operator receives the voice message, he/she will contact you to support the customer.
  • Support feature via Zalo: Customers can receive free consultation via Zalo after leaving personal information.
  • Auto call feature: Helps customers update products and promotions through automatic calls from the VBI contact center. Customers can also leave feedback via keypress, record messages, or connect directly with the operator.



With StringeeX omnichannel contact center, VBI agents can manage customer service calls in real-time such as:

  • Number of online employees 
  • Status of calls 
  • Number of calls 
  • Dispatching calls to a certain employee, monitoring/eavesdropping/picking calls/terminating any calls, etc.

Recording files and customized reports support management in evaluating the results of customer service activities.

Stringee accompanies VIB in the digital transformation process

With the motto "Pioneering technology - Top experience", VBI constantly improves management systems and workflows with modern advanced technology platforms, optimizing business performance and creating stable, convenient, and outstanding experiences for customers.

Stringee is proud to be a companion with VBI in the digital transformation journey with technology solutions for digitizing communication and customer services such as Video Call API and StringeeX omnichannel customer service contact center software.

In the next stages, VBI and Stringee will continue to cooperate, develop, and further improve with advanced technologies to bring convenient experiences to customers.

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