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Ahamove collaborates with Stringee to improve communication between drivers and customers with Voice Call API

Use cases Integrate Voice call API into an app

Product Voice call API

About Ahamove

Established in 2015, Ahamove is a professional on-demand delivery brand with the most modern technology platform in the region optimized for local needs, meeting all transportation needs of customers and business owners.

Ahamove is a service that helps more than 300,000 shop owners and business owners ship goods within Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and 7 other cities with fast speed, reasonable costs and a strong team of shippers.

With the strength of a team of technology engineers specializing in solving regional problems, Ahamove provides both customers and drivers with tools to increase work productivity and maximize benefits such as SaaS service software. operations management or route optimization map technology.


Unable to manage driver calls with customers

Ahamove's delivery service uses regular voice calls. This is the biggest disadvantage because there is the risk of the driver working separately from the customer. This makes Ahamove's management team unable to manage driver calls with customers. I don't know how the staff communicates with guests, or whether the service quality is good...

Information about customers using Ahamove's delivery service is also difficult to manage and store for future market research. In addition, Ahamove cannot listen to recorded calls between drivers and customers to evaluate service quality or serve as evidence to resolve conflicts between drivers and customers (if any) later.

The customer's phone number was revealed

Calling via regular mobile numbers also has problems regarding customer information security. Ahamove drivers can know the customer's phone number for personal use and may harm the customer.

Many customers are also uncomfortable with disclosing personal phone numbers to avoid trouble. Nowadays, personal phone numbers can be related to social network accounts like Facebook, from there, crooks can use personal phone numbers to search for other personal information.

Victims whose personal information is disclosed can be attacked in many different ways such as being bothered, harassed, and at the same time potentially at risk of having their sim card stolen or their account taken over.

Drivers are charged for making phone calls to customers

When drivers make voice calls to customers, they will have to pay phone charges. This reduces the profits of Ahamove drivers, allowing them to choose competitors to work for. Since then, the competitive advantage of Ahamove delivery service has decreased compared to competitors in the same industry. 

Realizing the disadvantages of voice calls, Ahamove's management team chose the Stringee Voice Call API solution to integrate into the Ahamove app used for delivery services. Currently, Ahamove applies this solution to 50,000 working drivers, with 50 voice channels being used for operation.

The Stringee Voice Call API solution eliminates all the remaining disadvantages of using traditional voice calls to communicate between drivers and customers. From there, it helps increase the competitive advantage of Ahamove's delivery service compared to competitors in the same industry. 

Convenient call management

Overcoming the biggest drawback when using regular voice calls, Stringee Voice Call API helps Ahamove's managers monitor calls between users (drivers, shippers, consignees) together. From there, Ahamove can control call quality to evaluate its drivers and employees. 

Using Stringee's API, Ahamove can retrieve call information including call detail reports, real-time monitoring as well as recording files saved on the current system for management, storage, and review. 

Secure customer information 

Instead of contacting customers (shippers/consignees), Ahamove delivery drivers will connect with customers directly on the Ahamove application to make calls without knowing their phone number. This change helps secure Ahamove's customer information, preventing bad guys from stealing personal information and illegally distributing it.  

Save costs for drivers when contacting customers

Besides securing customer information, Stringee Voice Call API also contributes to saving costs for drivers when contacting customers. App-to-app calls are completely free over the Internet or incur very low costs compared to regular calls.

Replacing traditional voice calls with Stringee Call API for delivery services helps Ahamove make great strides in call management by storing call recordings for quality control. In addition, Stringee's solution does not reveal the customer's mobile number and saves costs for the driver when making calls.

All of these improvements contribute to increasing Ahamove's competitive advantage compared to competitors in the same industry in the market.

After successfully implementing Stringee's solution into the Ahamove application, we will continue to discuss and deploy additional solutions to manage employee communication with users and apply them to the food delivery service. These improvements promise to bring a great experience to customers using Ahamove.

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