The value of building automatic calls feature with Stringee API
Increase efficiency, save resources
Reach more customers (hundreds of thousands of customers) than the traditional way of that employees call each customer one by one.
Personalize and improve interaction
Messages are personalized for each customer, improve customer interaction with the company and products.
Get customer feedback
Receive customer feedback through IVR, record customer messages, or enable customers contact with sales.
How it works
Buying a SIP number
You can buy a new number through Stringee or install your own number into Stringee, we support all SIP Trunking numbers.
Your app create a call with Stringee API
Your app uses Stringee API to call a customer listed in your data. Choose any number to call ( step 1), for example you can choose a number from the same telco to save cost.
Customer pick up and listen to the message
The message can be a pre-recorded file or a computer generated audio piece that was created by Stringee’s text-to-speech. The latter can be personalized to differ for each customer.
Customer feedback
Customers can give feedback through keypad input, recording or press a certain button to connect with your agent.
Reports and Analysis
You can see detailed reports on calls, pick up rates, feedback rates, feedback details, etc.